Not only is Trump and other rich bastards/bitches above the law - but we aren't created equal, either!
Here's another fairy tale: The USA isn't the greatest country on earth unless you equate greatness with wealth or military power.
Unfortunately, we've been brainwashed since early childhood to believe in three very, very destructice fairy tales.
I'm going to perform an important public service and throw a proverbial bucket of cold water on everyone. It's time to wake the fuck up. We need to see reality clearly and not merely be comforted by childish platitudes.
Sure Trump might be indicted. It will be historic, but he won't spend a single day in jail! I don't care if they throw a book the size of a bound Audubon bird portfolio at Dictator Trump. He and his most powerful evil minions won't do a single day in prison. Considering how close he came to overthrowing the most powerful military on the planet and the richest country in the HISTORY of the earth. And, let's not forget one of the oldest democracies that ever existed. I'd say that means this pyschopath is above the law and we sure as hell aren't created equal.
Why? Because Donald Dictator is an evil genius. Trump is brilliant! The number of civil crimes he has committed are legendary. All those civil lawsuits back-to-back could fill an encyclopdia set. But he and his vile family are still going strong, living like royalty! That takes a genius I can't even begin to comprehend.
What about criminal violations of the law? This vile monster is 76 years-old and the alleged crimes this Paragon of Evil has alleged to commit over a 50+ years is beyond anyone's comprehension - and he has never served a single day in prison or even been charged!
Nope! We are not created equal. Some people are so much smarter than the rest of us we can't even begin to comprehend the difference!
Nope! Trump is Exhibit A that the elite are stratosphericly above the law!
Nope! No great country on earth would have been wringing their hands for 2-plus years over charging a dangerous traitor and his powerful collaborators. Only to let them regroup. OMG! How stupid can you get? The forces of evil didn't exactly pack up their bags and retire to Switzerland like Hitler planned to do if he lost the war!
I know the readers of Daily Kos are activists and want to make the world a better place. If you have read this far you're probably feeling some strong emotions by now. Instead of attacking me for sharing what I now truely believe, please keep in mind I've been an activist for almost 50 (that's not a typo) YEARS! I've come to realize you can't move forward if you don't want to deal with reality no matter how painful. For example, I was an ardent Bernie supporter. And, guess what, I voted gladly voted for Hillary on Election Day. I'm pragmatic and I want the good guys and gals to win. That's my bottom line.
But we can't move forward if we are unable to see what has been going on for a very long time. Anyone remember President Richard Nixon? He and his evil minions did everything they could to prevent the end of the Vietnam War in 1968 in order to prevent Hubert Humphrey from beating him. Then came the secret bombing of Cambodia that killed huge numbers of innocent people in a neutral country. That in turn led to Pol Pot coming to power. He ended up being one of the worst dictators in world history. Let's not forget bombing civillians with napalm and ripping the environment apart with cancer causing Agent Orange. So many other crimes Nixon committed are too long to list!
But in the end, what did Nixon get for his crimes? A fucking PARDON! He didn't even have to face trial! He didn't have to do anything but retire! Zero accountability! His sentence could have been commuted, if sentencing a snowflake, ex-President to jail was too much. He could of been sentenced to probation and fined. He could been forced to do community service. There were so many choices!
Royalty can't be punished and I guarantee you Trump knows that as does every President! May someone, somewhere have the courage to make an example of Dictator Trump! If that doesn't happen then we need to protest in the streets until it does! Power to the People!