perhaps this is a better comparison:
Forty years ago, a retread presidential candidate took the reins of the Republican Party in his second race for the office. Looking for exciting young leaders in a party seemingly bereft of them, he settled on a little-known young state governor who had enjoyed a meteoric political ascent in just a few short years.
This young governor had served only one and a half years at the helm of his state...not unlike Sarah Palin. He had been elected to public office, as Baltimore County Executive, only six years before he would win election as Vice President.
His non-WASP background, as a Greek-American, made him something of an unique choice for the party of Old Rich White Men, not unlike Palin's gender.
Like Sarah Palin, our friend had cultivated a moderate image as Governor, and not much else, leading to much consternation on the part of his political master Richard Nixon when the two actually had to work together in the Oval Office. In fact, Nixon suffered such a case of buyer's remorse that he desired to drop his vice-president from the ticket in favor of John Connally, a Democrat.
So what ended up happening to this rising political star, anyway?
His name was Spiro Agnew, and he remains the only man ever to resign in disgrace from the vice-presidency. Pursued by an extortion scandal hailing from his days as Governor - something not out of the question with Troopergate Palin - Agnew brought shame and scandal on the White House even before Richard Nixon brought it on the entire country.
Something to look forward to, Republicans?