As I listened to the discussion on Hillary's comments about 1968, I kept thinking about the merits of her argument. I have to state up front that I see no reason for Hillary to stop now. She kept in this long, she should make sure that Florida and Michigan are resolved fairly(In my view, halve Florida's delegates, and Michigan's delegates get split 50/50 since Obama wasn't on the ballot). I did some digging on Primaries over the last 40 years(I would start after the McGovern Commission(1972) but since she's arguing 1968 I'll her use that as an example for our purposes.) Let us consider 1968 and beyond then to be the era of the modern system of presidential selection. After this point, the votes of the people for the most part secured nominations thanks to the McGovern Commission, not deals in smoke filled rooms or convention floor fights. What did I find? What I found was quite interesting indeed. Here are all the examples of primary contests in this period that were still contested in June and see how they did in the general election: