In May, 2006, thereisnospoon posted a definitional diary on the Overton window. The point of the Overton Window methodology is to move public opinion along a continuum of statements which cannot all be true. These common "facts" about our society are arranged so the facts most mutually exclusive are at the ends of the list so we can take the measure of which version of "the facts" We The People believe in this moment.
We do that listening to the stories being told -- from national media to our living rooms. Stories make assumptions which must be shared in order to be understood. No one can unhear a story, nor be untouched by it once heard. Once moved by a story which rings true, our cause cannot be stopped short of tryanny -- and even then tryants must watch their back.
In this final stretch of the campaign, we must make history. Politicians do not do that. We The People do that. Our several histories, told boldly and candidly, will make the difference more than the silliness and machinations of the "professionals". It is time to make our history ourselves.