Lessons from 1968 - in 2016
I apologize for the length of this piece, but I wanted to include all of the necessary background information on what I think is an interesting and somewhat worrisome parallel between the elections of...
View ArticleMartin Luther King Jr Unsanitized: confronting the triple evils of...
If I didn’t already know better, I’d be tempted to think that Martin Luther King Jr. Day is either a day in which large retailers offer items to consumers at discounted prices, or a federal holiday...
View ArticleThe War on Sanders
Over the years, the Democratic Party establishment gave us the War on Crime, the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. Now, they are organizing the War on Sanders. In last nights debate, the...
View ArticleThe Danger of Messing with Dark Horses; a Tragedy
To the horror of the Democratic National Party, presidential candidate hopeful Bernie Sanders is presently blasting his way through the US with a massage of light and hope, inspiring voters, especially...
View ArticleChicago Convention 1968 or 2016
Rachel Maddow said over and over again-she had never in her lifetime seen anything like it in her lifetime-on the primary convention floor random scuffles, angry words, threats mostly by what seemed...
View Article1968- a few dates and memories
1968 has been referenced fairly often on the news and I thought I’d share some thoughts on it, nothing heroic from my end I was a junior in high school and more interested in understanding women,...
View ArticleSo that's why we have superdelegates.
Prior to 1968, the presidential nominating conventions were attended by largely hand-picked delegates. They used committees, proxy votes, delegate instruction, and high participation fees to control...
View Article1968
I abhor violence and threats of violence. I condemn any and all Bernie Sanders supporters or delegates who engaged in violence or threats of violence in last weekend’s Nevada Democratic convention. I...
View ArticleThe desegregation bus
It was in a bus like this that I was driven in to an all-white school after being plucked out of my normal school. I don’t know if my Mother received a letter from the district or not. She spoke little...
View ArticleElites dismissing the pain and suffering of the marginalized is how you get...
Despite horrific socio-economic inequality, execution-style killings of black people on an almost daily basis, and the fact that over 30 million Americans still cannot visit a doctor when they get...
View ArticleAnother Reason Why Gun Control Doesn't Go Far Enough
Many Americans don't realize that substantial gun control legislation is already on the books. If one observed the arguments and counter-arguments currently raging, one might think this country has...
View ArticleBernie says: Vote Hillary not Third Party
Bernie warns that “protest” votes could contribute to a Trump victory, and asks his supporters to vote for Hillary and notfor Third Party candidates.A CBS poll shows that 1/3 of voters under 30 plan to...
View ArticleBack to The Future
Listening to Hillary Clinton and President Obama implore us to give Trump a chance, I couldn’t help but be a bit nostalgic for the 60's, and the peace and love crowd of that day. Contrasting with...
View ArticleTrump is Nixon
Trump and Nixon have a lot in common. Both are thin-skinned egomaniacs with an enemies list. Both were routinely underestimated by their foes on the left. Both have a rather unappealing personality...
View ArticleWe Just Replayed 1968: Will We Replay 1972, Too?
A well-known politician emerges out of the shadow of eight years of Democratic rule, hoping to secure another term in the White House for the party. Has well-respected Senate experience, understands...
View ArticleFeels like 1968
Who can forget Spiro Agnew’s way with words?There are people in our society who should be separated and discarded.Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it.Confronted with the choice, the...
View Articlesome historical context to Russian interference with our election
written from memory, so please excuse any slight inaccuracies.This is not the first time that the results of an election might have been changed had the administration in power disclosed to the...
‘…what rough beast, its hour come round at last,Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?’Yeats | The Second Coming | 1919Utah Phillips, the grand old activist and storyteller/satirist/songwriter, once...
View ArticleIt took 50 years to confirm 1968 was stolen. It took 243 days to confirm 2016...
The New York Times, December 31, 2016:During a phone call on the night of Oct. 22, 1968, Richard M. Nixon told his closest aide (and future chief of staff) H.R. Haldeman to "monkey wrench" President...
View ArticleExxon wasn't alone - US Electric Utilities studied Climate Change in 1970s...
It turns out far more of the US corporate leadership elite were complicit in the deliberate obfuscation of climate science than just the management at the oil giant Exxon. Study: Utilities knew about...
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